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Diagnose SQL Server 2005 SP2 Install Problems

I was checking the pending updates in one of my test VISTA machines and the SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 was still in the list. I tried to install it using Windows Update but it returned an error: Error code 2B22. Windows Update Error code 2B22 The link Get Help didn’t bring any help as the error code was not in the list. So I googled for it. Surprisingly I get very few results and most of them were the same Microsoft forum post republished by others sites. The post was simply someone asking for help and a couple of ‘me too’ responses.

Anyway, I needed more info about the problem so I looked for a log in my system. I’ve founded it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Hotfix

The file you want to look at is Summary.txt which holds the log of the last update. You may see other files like Summary_0.txt, Summary_1.txt … Summary_N.txt. Those contain information about past updates. SQL Server 2005 SP2 Error 2B22 detail As you can see in the image, the installer was not able to start the service. (Note that the error number here is 11402; 2B22 in decimal). After checking the service properties, it turned out that it was configured to run under a user account which password had changed recently. I fixed the problem and run the update again.

Once more, the update didn’t succeed. This time the error code was 780. However, now I knew where to look to diagnose the problem: SQL Server 2005 SP2 Error 780 detail The service SQL Server VSS Writer (SQLWriter) was disabled. Changing the Start Up property to Manual did the trick. Finally the Service Pack 2 install succeeded.
